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Lobbying : ending the dominance of economic interests over social and environmental rights

21 septembre 2022 dans dans État de droit

The recent revelations by journalists of the « Uber Files », following the « McKinsey affair », have highlighted the reality and the extent of the lobbying that guides the elaboration of laws and regulations every day, from the ministerial cabinets to the benches of the Assembly and the Senate.

Today, some twenty organizations call in the columns of Le Monde the French legislators to take stricter measures to supervise lobbying and influence practices.

These organizations call for strict regulation of these influence practices through new legislation aimed at ending the capture of public decisions by big business lobbies. This surge must put the interests of French citizens back at the heart of the democratic process in order to restore trust in our institutions and protect the rights of all.


Armel Le Coz, co-founder of Open Democracy
Arnaud Faucon, national secretary, Indecosa CGT
Arnaud Schwartz, President of France Nature Environnement
Benjamin Sourice, advocacy manager, VoxPublic association
Cécile Duflot, Executive Director, Oxfam
Claire Nouvian, Executive Director of BLOOM
Danielle Auroi, President of the Collectif Éthique sur l’Étiquette
Elise Van Beneden, President of Anticor
Franceline Lepany, President of Sherpa
Jean-François Julliard, Executive Director of Greenpeace France
Karine Jacquemart, general manager of foodwatch France
Khaled Gaiji, president des Amis de la Terre France
Kevin Jean, spokesperson for Sciences Citoyennes
Loïc Josseran, president of ACT-Alliance contre le Tabac
Luc De Ronne, president, ActionAid France
Mathilde Dupré, co-director of the Veblen Institute
Marc Lagae, President, Association Léo lagrange pour la défense des consommateurs
Renaud Fossard, General Delegate of Communication et démocratie
Yves Marry, General Delegate of Lève les yeux