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About twenty collectives and associations in front of the National Assembly to protest against the bill on asylum and immigration

8 décembre 2022 dans dans Migrations

On Tuesday, December 6, about twenty associations and collectives of exiled people* gathered just outside the National Assembly, a few hours before the non-voting debate on immigration policy.

The associations had invited the MPs to come and meet them. This invitation was a real success. Twenty deputies from different political groups (LFI-NUPES, EELV/NUPES, Democratic and Republican Left-NUPES, Renaissance, Socialists and related, NUPES Intergroup members), included Benjamin Lucas, Clémentine Autain, Elsa Faucillon, Thomas Porte, Stella Dupont came to exchange with the associations and collectives.

Through successive speeches, the associations and collectives recalled that another migration policy is possible, respectful of the rights of exiled people and based on welcome and solidarity.

Find all the press articles about this mobilization here (in French).

* associations and unions present in front of the National Assembly on Tuesday December 6th : Action contre la Faim-mission France, Amnesty International France, ANVITA, ARDHIS, Causons, CCFD-Terre Solidaire, Cimade, Coordination des sans-papiers 75, Collectif des sans-papiers de Montreuil, Collectif des sans-papier de Vitry, Collectif pour l’accueil et l’inclusion, CRID, Dom’Asile, Emmaüs France, Fondation Abbé Pierre, JRS-France, LDH, LTF, Paris d’Exil, Solidaires, Solidarité Asie France, Tous migrants, Union des étudiants exilés, UniR, Utopia 56.