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A new « advocacy-migration » day about the use of litigation

18 juillet 2022 dans dans Nos actusMigrations

On July 1, 2022, VoxPublic organized a new « Migration Advocacy » day devoted to the use of litigation as an advocacy tool to promote respect for the rights of exiled persons. The opportunity to exchange on good practices and new legal strategies put in place by associations to assert the rights of exiled persons and solidarity

Un nouvelle journée « plaidoyer-migrations » sur les contentieux

About fifteen associations actively participated in the rich exchanges of the day : Acina, Action contre la Faim, Amnesty International France, Anafé, ANVITA, CCFD-Terre Solidaire, CRID, Dom’Asile, JRS-France, Fédération d’Entraide Protestante, Fondation Abbé Pierre, Gisti, Médecins du Monde, Paris d’Exil, Secours Catholique Caritas France, Tous Migrants, Utopia56, Watizat,

A speech by Vincent Brengarth, lawyer for the Tous Migrants association, marked the end of the morning session.

In the afternoon, working groups explored some of the ideas mentioned earlier :

  • the articulation between litigation and political advocacy (questioning decision-makers) and communication ;
  • the issue of the participation of exiled persons in litigation, particularly during the collection of evidence
  • cooperation and coordination between civil society actors (associations, researchers, independent administrative authorities, etc.) to strengthen the impact of litigation procedures.

These exchanges will be the subject of a report, which will be distributed at the beginning of the school year. It will include the elements highlighted during the day : the obstacles that limit the associations in their litigation practices and the needs that arise from them, the tools or exchange spaces that could be useful and practical advice based on the experiences that the participants have shared.

The first « Advocacy-migration » day took place in July 2019 and produced the advocacy-migration manual, presenting various advocacy strategies and testimonies of associations on their good practices.