VoxPublic empowers citizens.

VoxPublic supports French civil society to influence public policies in order to foster a greater social and environmental justice, to fight discrimination and to promote the rule of law and civil liberties.

Calling on political leaders, also known as “advocacy”, consists of associations or citizens’ groups making proposals and demands in order to obtain political or legislative changes or to put an end to a collective injustice.

Read more « Calling on decision-makers »

A successful appealing to political leaders is often supported by a media and digital strategy, especially on social networks, to raiseawareness of an issue in order to better demand public positions and decisions from those responsible.

Read more « Media and digital strategies »

“A stronger civil society for a fairer society” is the motto of VoxPublic. We firmly believe that citizens’ associations and collectives, as well as all rights defenders, contribute to democratic vitality and the defence of freedoms.

Read more « Empowering civil society »


VoxPublic provides civil society organisations with contacts and information to launch effective actions to challenge decision-makers

Shared directories

Open access contacts of parliamentarians, ministerial offices, journalists, media and civil society organizations, in order to get your message to the right person.

Our shared directories in French

Guides and publications

Guides and methodological factsheets created by VoxPublic can help you organise lobbying actions towards decision makers, on issues related to social injustice, discrimination and corruption.

Our guides and publications in French

Open source digital tools

In its support and guidance approach, VoxPublic places importance on the web tools and services offered. We propose a list of free, decentralized web tools that respect your privacy.

Our open source digital tools in French

Digital interpellation platform

Advocacy is an action aiming at bringing claims and demands to local elected officials, members of parliament, members of the government or the presidency of the Republic.

Our digital interpellation platform in French

Our Actions

VoxPublic supports French organisations to challenge authorities in order to reduce discriminations, social injustices and corrupt practices.

Our successes

When VoxPublic commits itself to an association or collective (of associations, of citizens), our dearest wish is that these civil society actors achieve the objectives they have set themselves.