Accueil » Our Actions » Discrimination


La France est marquée par une persistance de discriminations qui marginalisent des millions de citoyens qui sont stigmatisés pour ce qu’ils sont et non pour ce qu’ils font. Bien que condamnées par la loi, les discriminations en fonction de l’origine, du genre, de l’orientation sexuelle, des convictions religieuses, ou d’un handicap restent monnaie courante. Elles ont un impact direct sur l’accès à l’emploi, au logement et d’une manière plus générale au sentiment d’appartenance à la nation. De nombreux acteurs de la société civile sont engagés sur ces questions. Le cadre législatif a été renforcé. Mais il reste beaucoup à faire tant au niveau des lois que des pratiques administratives. VoxPublic entend soutenir les acteurs de la société civile qui se battent contre les discriminations.


Group action against racial profiling in identity check

A group action has been initiated against the State by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Maison Communautaire pour un Développement Solidaire, Open Society Justice Initiative, Pazapas Belleville and REAJI. This action is intended to demand that the state take concrete and effective measures to stop racial profiling. VoxPublic is coordinating this exceptional and unprecedented group action ! More information in French on the following link.

+ infosRead Action de groupe contre le contrôle aux faciès in french


VoxPublic supporting the commune of Bélâbre’s commitment to welcoming asylum seekers

Since the 11th of March 2023, VoxPublic has been supporting the mayor of Bélâbre (Indre) and his municipal team to help them defend the plan to open a Reception Centre for asylum seekers (CADA) in late 2024 or early 2025, which was approved by the municipal council on the 9th of February 2023 on the proposal of the Viltaïs association, who is acting on behalf of the State. The project is facing opposition from residents of Bélâbre and other neighbouring towns, some of whom are supported by far-right parties and groups.

+ infosRead VoxPublic aux côtés de la commune de Bélâbre engagée pour accueillir des demandeurs d’asile in french


“Close the waiting zones” campaign

VoxPublic supports the association Anafé for its campaign “Close the waiting zones” . The aim is to promote the general purpose of the campaign, which is the abolition of waiting zones for people in exile. More information in French on the following link.

+ infosRead Campagne « Fermons les zones d’attente » in french


Hunger strike in Calais to denounce the mistreatment of people in exile

On Monday, October 11 2021, Anaïs Vogel, Ludovic Holbein and the Jesuit priest Philippe Demeestère, started a hunger strike to denounce the inhumane treatment inflicted on exiles at the French-British border. Initially solicited by Secours Catholique - Caritas France, VoxPublic works directly with the hunger strikers and associations in Calais, and supports actions aimed at achieving the strikers’ demands. More information in French on the following link.

+ infosRead Grève de la faim à Calais pour dénoncer la maltraitance des exilées in french


Jesuit Refugee Service France (JRS France)

VoxPublic supports the association Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) France for the release of its report « Welcoming refugees and integrating them better. Valuing skills, training, work », published on Wednesday, April 14, 2021. More information in French on the following link.

+ infosRead Jesuit Refugee Service France (JRS France) in french


National Association of Border Assistance for Foreigners (2d phase)

VoxPublic continues to support the National Association of Assistance at the Borders for Foreigners (Anafé), particularly in the media coverage of its latest 2018-2019 observation report, « Refusing Quarantine, Critique of Logics and Practices in Waiting Zones, » released on September 29, 2020. More information in French on the following link.

+ infosRead Association Nationale d’Assistance aux Frontières pour les Étrangers (phase 2) in french


Utopia 56 (2d phase)

Utopia 56, a grassroots association that has been working in exile « camps » since 2016, does not want to limit itself to daily emergency and wishes to carry out advocacy actions by making the voices of exiles heard. The association had already requested the support of VoxPublic in November 2019 ; this partnership enters a second phase one year later. More information in French on the following link.

+ infosRead Utopia 56 (phase 2) in french


Sanitary Emergency State Watch Network / Watchdog Network on the State of Health Emergency

The Sanitary Emergency State Watch Network is coordinated by VoxPublic and already brings together a hundred of civil society actors (associations, trade unions, lawyers, academics, etc.) in order to take a critical and demanding look at the measures adopted and the risks for freedoms and equality between all. More information in French on the following link.

+ infosRead Réseau de veille sur l’état d’urgence sanitaire in french


General Estates of Migration (3rd phase)

VoxPublic supports and advises the 1,600 organisations involved in the General Estates of Migration’s momentum. These organisations have been working together since 2017 to denounce the plight of migrants in France and to propose alternatives to the successive governments’ repressive migration policies.
More information in French on the following link.

+ infosRead États Généraux des Migrations (3e phase) in french

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