Accueil » Our Actions » Discrimination


La France est marquée par une persistance de discriminations qui marginalisent des millions de citoyens qui sont stigmatisés pour ce qu’ils sont et non pour ce qu’ils font. Bien que condamnées par la loi, les discriminations en fonction de l’origine, du genre, de l’orientation sexuelle, des convictions religieuses, ou d’un handicap restent monnaie courante. Elles ont un impact direct sur l’accès à l’emploi, au logement et d’une manière plus générale au sentiment d’appartenance à la nation. De nombreux acteurs de la société civile sont engagés sur ces questions. Le cadre législatif a été renforcé. Mais il reste beaucoup à faire tant au niveau des lois que des pratiques administratives. VoxPublic entend soutenir les acteurs de la société civile qui se battent contre les discriminations.


Action Muslim Rights (Action Droits des Musulmans)

VoxPublic supports the Action Muslim Rights association which is undertaking legal proceedings concerning its bank account, since June 2019. Eventually, the account of ADM was not closed and the association has recovered the full use of it.

+ infosRead Action Droits des Musulmans in french


General Estates of Migration (2d phase)

VoxPublic supports and advises the 1,600 organisations involved in the General Estates of Migration’s momentum. These organisations have been working together since 2017 to denounce the plight of migrants in France and to propose alternatives to the successive governments’ repressive migration policies.
More information in French on the following link.

+ infosRead États Généraux des Migrations (2e phase) in french


National Border Assistance Association for Foreigners (Anafé) (Phase 1)

VoxPublic supports the National Association of Border Assistance for Foreigners (Anafé : Association nationale d’assistance aux frontières pour les étrangers) in the media coverage of its 2017-2018 observation report : ’Persona non grata - Consequences of security and migration policies at the French-Italian border’. More information in French on the following link.

+ infosRead Association nationale d’assistance aux frontières pour les étrangers (phase 1) in french


Anti-terrorism, rights and freedoms

Since January 2017, VoxPublic has been leading and supporting the network « Antiterrorism, Rights and Freedoms », which brings together associations, trade unions, academics and lawyers, concerned about the consequences of anti-terrorism laws in terms of increasing discrimination and reducing fundamental freedoms. This network was born during the state of emergency (which ended on March 31st 2017) and has continued its work since. More information in French on the following link.

+ infosRead Antiterrorisme, droits et libertés in french


Paris d’Exil

VoxPublic works alongside Paris d’Exil to support them in raising awareness and correcting the dysfunctions of the Assessment Framework for foreign unaccompanied minors in Paris, a public service whose management was delegated by the City of Paris to the French Red Cross. More information in French on the following link.

+ infosRead Paris d’Exil in french


Trial of the “7 of Briançon”

The trial of the 7 migrants rights activists was conducted on 8 November 2018 in Gap (Hautes-Alpes, France). VoxPublic supported the 7 defendants and the associations of the support committee to ensure a significant media coverage. The goal : making public opinion and policy-makers aware of the dramatic situation at the French-Italian border, where migrants put their life at risk every day. The court’s decision will be announced on 13 December. More information in French on the following link.

+ infosRead Procès des « 7 de Briançon » in french


Estates General of Migrations

VoxPublic accompanies and guides more than 1600 associations taking part in the Estates General of Migrations by helping them in their call out to policy makers about the « Asylum and immigration » law, and by assisting them to promote their proposals for a new asylum policy. More information in French on the following link.

+ infosRead Etats Généraux des Migrations in french


RESOME : for the welcoming of exiled students.

VoxPublic was solicited by RESOME in order to help them alerting public opinion and policy makers upon the difficulties encountered by exiled people (asylum seekers, migrants) and who wish to pursue their studies. More information in French on the following link.

+ infosRead RESOME : pour l’accueil des étudiants exilés in french


Asperger autism : for the right to be diagnosed

In the framework of the public consultation about a new national plan for autism, VoxPublic accompanies and guides the association Action for Asperger Autism in order to warn the policy makers about the specific needs of Asperger autism people. More information in French on the following link.

+ infosRead Autisme Asperger : pour un droit au diagnostic in french

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