What is the community ?
The effectiveness of VoxPublic derives from its ability to bring together and mobilize a community of committed citizens to strengthen the actions supported by our association.
VoxPublic community comprises a network of volunteers who wish to place their skills at the service of others to support citizen initiatives using the principle of (crowdsourcing).
This commitment is made on the basis of specific time-limited missions (sponsorship, sharing expertise, creative support, etc.) that you choose according to your chosen themes among VoxPublic’s fields of action.
Whether you have an hour or the opportunity to accompany a project over time, you can help strengthen citizen power.

Members of VoxPublic community also contribute to enriching the website’s Resource Center by reporting on citizen initiatives, feeding shared contact lists and the documentation center, or by sharing free data sets on the association’s themes.
The community will also meet « in real life » for meetings and activities organized by VoxPublic and its partners.
By registering, you will have access to information reserved for our members (thematic watch, newsletter) and events.